Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

5.2 Td Romans

5.2 Td Romans

Q INSTRUCTIONS 1. Review Chapters 15 & 16 of textbook and The Epistles of Paul, Pt. 1 PDF. 2. For your initial post, discuss the following: a. State how and why Romans has been the most influential book of the Bible shaping the doctrine of the Christian faith and that of prominent, historical theologians. b. Briefly compare Galatians with Romans and suggest why these two books are often discussed in parallel. c. Offer a brief statement of how Rm. 1:17 affected Martin Luther and how that resulted in the “Protestant Reformation.” 3. Reference and cite your text, New Testament Survey, Chapters 15 & 16, and your lecture, “The Epistles of Paul, Pt. 1.” 4. You may engage internet research along with insight from the text and lectures to answer these questions. 5. Initial post is due by the end of the fourth day of the unit. No initial posts are accepted after 11:55 pm ET on this day. 6. Respond to at least TWO peer initial posts by the end of the unit. Responses should be substantial comments and not just “I agree” or “I don’t agree.” There should be some thoughtful reflection provided about the peer’s initial post. No response posts are accepted after 11:55 pm ET on this day.

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A tension in Church initiative between Papal power and Collegiality of the Bishops was creating over philosophical inquiries. Rome was the spot of affliction for Saints Peter and Paul. The Bishop of Rome as successor to St. Peter was given an administrative/leadership role, as seen with Clement of Rome in his First Letter to the Corinthians in 96 AD. Paul opens vistas to the gospel, sparkling a light on what we can encounter by grasping and living in the Good News of Christ in Paul’s letter to the Romans. He significantly imparts a comprehension Jesus Christ’s effect on the world, to the Christians.